Saturday, May 23, 2020

Article Analysis Birth Control Review by Crystal Eastman...

To begin, Crystal Eastman first published her article in 1918. She produced the source for a large target audience. The article was originally published in a radical journal called Birth Control review. The source’s purpose was to inform women that, whether the law stated so or not, they had a choice as to whether or not to conceive a child. The purpose of the source is to demand that women take control of their bodies. â€Å"I would almost say, that the whole structure of the feminist’s dream of society rests upon the rapid extension of scientific knowledge about birth control.† (Eastman, Pg.510). Next, the original source is women, feminists, and most likely medical doctors. However, because it was posted in a magazine that was viewed as†¦show more content†¦To women physically strong and adventuresome it means freedom to enter all kinds of athletic contests and games, to compete with men in aviation, to drive racing cares... to enter dangerous trades, etc. To most of all it means economic freedom.† (Eastman, Pg.509). The topics she thinks most feminists will agree with is the stride toward political equality. However, she may create tension among herself and other feminists by suggesting that all women must know the joys of motherhood to be an ideal feminist. Some women may not want children. I feel as though Crystal Eastman is trying to persuade other feminists to come together and support each other and redefine feminism. Next, some of the underlying values present in modern women/ men may conflict with the values expressed in the source. Modern day, women m ostly have children because they want them. Some women do not want to have children modern day. The availability of birth control as well as other contraceptives may hinder the modern reader’s understandings into the past. Modern day, most women do not have sexual relations with their husband/boyfriend merely out of marital duty. A women can hand her husband or lover a bottle of lotion and instruct him to go view internet porn and â€Å"take matters into his own hands.† To conclude, this article does correspond with the other articles and content found in chapter eight of our textbook. During this time period, as portrayed in this story asShow MoreRelatedStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words   |  534 Pagesconsideration of factors relevant to strategy-based human resource investment decisions. 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